These six year old English Cream Golden Retrievers were very loved in their home. They are housetrained and crate trained. They are very bonded and must remain together in their foster home and their adoptive home. The girl is 75 lbs and the boy is 93 lbs (but should be a little less!). The boy is not always happy with other dogs so they need to go to a home where they will be the only dogs. They are very obedient and are typically goofy Goldens! So why do such spectacular dogs need a new home? Their loving owners have endured a long list of family issues that include three elderly parents with various illnesses that make having large dogs around treacherous. This has forced them have to keep the dogs crated so that fragile family members don’t get inadvertently knocked over by these friendly but large dogs. Giving up the dogs was not in the plans but they feel it would be best for the dogs to have more attention and have come to the realization that they cannot provide that under their current circumstances.
**Adoption Pending