Are you ready to inject some joy into your life? Just consider whether Carnation is the right dog for you. This girl exudes pure joy in almost everything she does! Carnation is not quite a year old. She’s some mix of happy dogs, and we’re hoping one of them was some sort of retriever! Carnation loves every creature she’s ever met. She’s been around a gazillion dogs and has tried to be bff with every one of them. She follows the cat around in her foster home, but definitely not in a stalking, scary way. More like a besotted fan trailing a celebrity. Carnation does her best to get all the dogs and the cat to play with her. She adjusts her play style to each one but the goal with her is to find happiness in every waking moment and she doesn’t really care about the particulars. This girl is not dominant or aggressive or even the least bit pessimistic about absolutely anything! She just enjoys life so much and her sheer happiness can overcome the worst bad mood. And she maintains this joyous outlook through thick and thin. We’ve seen her through both. A few days after she joined us, she broke with parvo, a terrifying diagnosis. Despite how icky she must have been feeling, she always greeted her foster mom and special friends with a smile and a tail wag, albeit less enthusiastically than usual. She sailed through treatment and was running around within days. The virus is but a faint memory to her now and she should have a normal, healthy future ahead of her. What kind of future would she like? Carnation would do best in a home where her joyous outlook on life is celebrated and appreciated! She would prefer to have regular contact with other dogs, whether that means a resident buddy or frequent playdates with other playful dogs. Carnation is a fun dog and we’re excited to see whose life is enhanced by making this girl a permanent family member!