Male, lab/poodle mix, 1 year old.
Dempsey is a year old Lab/Poodle mix who came to us showing all the behaviors associated with having come from a puppy mill. He doesn’t trust people and he’s scared of everything. Everything other than other dogs, being outside, and cats, that is. When he plays outside with the others, he gets to relax and be a dog for a bit. When he gets to play with young puppies or in the snow, he is the happiest dog on earth!
We are looking for the right home for Dempsey. He has so much potential, as you can see from the video, and needs the right place to bring it out. He’ll need a home with another confident, friendly, patient dog and he will need people who are understanding. Dempsey just doesn’t know how he is supposed to act but he’ll get there. With the help of the right home, he’ll be an amazing dog, even when there’s no snow and no puppies!