Pictures coming soon!
Yes, I’m cute. Why be coy about something so obvious? My name is Nashville and I was born in July of 2017. I am great with other dogs, with cats, and with people of all ages. It’s pretty clear that I’m perfect in every way. This will surprise you, but the vets say I have a heart condition common to Labs. There’s lots of scary info about this condition online but the bottom line is that I will bring joy to my new family for however long I have. (Read more about my condition at : http://www.thelabradorclub. com/uploads/file/ valvedysplasia.pdf Please tell your friends that RROC is accepting donations toward my care). I’m a petite little girl and people can’t help but to ooh and aah over me. If you have a big heart of your own and want some joy in your life, ask about me! But only if you are prepared to have an overload of cuteness!
Nashville will be considered for homes with and without a fence.