My ball! That’s my ball! Oh, you want it? But of course you shall have it! I didn’t know about sharing until I came to rescue and I can’t believe how much fun I have sharing everything now. My brother, Nile, and I came into rescue without having had a lot. We couldn’t tell our story but the rescue people could tell that we’d never had the chance to meet other dogs or many people. Now, we’re both social butterflies. We can be adopted together or you can adopt me by myself. I will need another dog in the household to continue to give me guidance. I wrestle with other dogs, chase them and get chased by them, and play tug of war. I’ve also started learning that if I bring the ball back to the people, they throw it again. Can you believe that? I hadn’t realized that people and dogs could play together! It’s clear that I’d spent my time playing by myself and sometimes with Nile but I hadn’t known that people could be so much fun. I try to earn my keep by making sure the yard is free from unwelcome sorts like squirrels. Because some of those pesky creatures run along the top of the fence, I need a high fence to make sure I don’t make it out, even though I’d never leave if I didn’t have to! Now, I do have to mention that I am not a lady around cats. I won’t even begin to explain why but suffice it to say that cats and I should not share a residence. I think that’s it. I’m a year and a half old but the last few months have opened my eyes to the possibilities that a Golden mix girl like me can live like a little princess and I sure approve of that!