Love my ears, don’t you? Everybody does! They set me apart from all of those other Lab mixes out there so you’ll never get me mixed up with anyone else. But there’s so much more about me that is special, too. I’ve had some tough times up until now and am relishing life where I can relax and be loved for who I am. In a nutshell, I was dumped when I got pregnant and had my babies alone and scared. Through no fault of my own, I lost my babies and I was close to losing my own life, too. The folks from the rescue group stepped in and said they’d offer me a whole new life. I wasn’t sure at first what that meant or whether I could trust that people really could be kind. What a surprise! Not only am I safe and given food, warmth, and a bed of my own every day, but I get attention and play time and everything I’ve ever heard that dogs might enjoy. I’m still reeling from this amazing turn of events. The next step is for me to find a home of my own. Want to help make that happen?