How are you doing? Me? I’m the best I’ve ever been, as you can plainly see! I came into rescue unsure of myself and grossly overweight. My foster family has been very working with me and I’m about the most easy-going dog around! It doesn’t hurt that I’ve lost, ahem, almost twenty pounds, just by going for walks every day. I’m pretty sure one of the weight loss programs is looking for me to be their cover girl. I’m about ten years old but you’d never guess that when you meet me. I’m great with other dogs or by myself, great with a lot of attention or a little, great when we go for our walks or just hanging out at your feet. That’s right, I’m pretty much the easiest, best dog out there, even though I don’t generally brag. Want a loving companion without the challenges that some of my younger colleagues might present? I’m your girl!