Lollipop is my name and being sweet is my game. I am jut 6 months old and I love other dogs. I wish I [read more]

Gelato Age: Puppy Gender: Male
This handsome guy loves other dogs and enjoys occupying his time playing with balls! [read more]

Tortellini Age: Puppy Gender: Female
This adorable girl has a beautiful mother, Italia, and we are guessing dad was a looker too. She is ready for her forever home. [read more]

Ravioli Age: Puppy Gender: M
This handsome puppy is happy! He loves playing with his littermates but is ready for a forever home. [read more]

Pasta Age: Puppy Gender: F
This beautiful puppy is great with other dogs, She is a happy go lucky gal who is ready for her forever home. Her mom [read more]

Lasagne Age: Puppy Gender: F
This adorable girl is ready for a forever home. She is smart, happy and of course, adorable! Her mom is the beautiful Italia, also [read more]

Italia Age: 3 years Gender: F
This beautiful retriever/pyr mix is 3 years old. She just recently had a litter and did a great job raising them. She is now [read more]

Abner Age: 4 years Gender: M
This boy was well loved in his last home but when living situations changed, he found himself in need of a new forever home. [read more]

Newbie Age: Puppy Gender: F
Look at this adorable face! She is a wonderful puppy and great with people and dogs. She is ready to go to her forever [read more]

Greenhorn Age: Puppy Gender: F
This beautiful lab/Pyr mix girl loves to play. She is great with other dogs and people. She is also crate trained. [read more]

Priscilla Age: 1 year Gender: Female
This adorable girl raised a litter of pups and is now ready to be a puppy herself. She loves running in the yard and [read more]

Savory Age: Puppy Gender: M
This handsome pyr/retriever mix is in search of his forever home. He is good with other dogs and is well on his way to [read more]

Scrumptious Age: Puppy Gender: F
This cutie pie is a sweet gal who is ready and patiently looking for her forever home. She, along with her siblings, managed to [read more]

Delectable Age: Puppy Gender: F
This adorable pup had a rough start in life. After coming down with parvo and being nursed to health, she is now such a [read more]

Delicious Age: Puppy Gender: F
This adorable girl has learned how to wink(or pretend well for her picture). She is a wonderful gal and is healthy now after battling [read more]

Delightful Age: Puppy Sex: F
This adorable pup is in search of her new home. She and her siblings were rescued by RROC and had to get through parvo [read more]

Sweetness Age: Pup Gender: F
This adorable pup is ready for her new home. She loves to play and can cuddle really well as you see in the picture [read more]

Tasty Age: Puppy Gender: F
This adorable puppy is ready to find her forever home. Her mom is a retriever/Great pyr mix. [read more]

Stratton Age: 10 mos Gender: M
This handsome 10 month old is Stratton. He is learning how to walk on a leash and hopes his new home will continue to [read more]

Wheeler Age:11 mos Gender: M
Meet Wheeler! He is a handsome young pup at about 10 months old. He is eager to please and can’t wait for training so [read more]

Skiderbug Age: Puppy Gender: M
This adorable boy is ready to find his new home He is great with other dogs. [read more]

Citra Sex: F Age: 2 yrs
She is a beautiful girl who is learning what it means to live in a home. She will be a fast learner with lots [read more]

Mr Pibb Sex: M Age: pup
He is one of the Soda Pop litter and is ready for his forever home! [read more]

Bubble Up Sex: F Age: puppy
She is a happy gal who loves the snow! [read more]

Cream Soda Sex: F Age: puppy
She is one of the Soda Pop litter and eagerly awaiting her forever home! [read more]

Root Beer Sex: M Age: puppy
I am one of the Soda Pop litter. My mom is a golden/pyr mix. Please check out the puppy rules before applying for me. [read more]

Soda Pop & Seltzer Sex: F Age: 5 years
We are sisters and must be adopted together. We are very affectionate girls and great with other dogs. We are on the larger side- [read more]

Rowley Sex: F Age: 8 years
She is looking for her forever home with another confident dog. [read more]

Ellingwood Sex: M Age: 1 Year
This little guy is going to make a wonderful addition but does need some time and patience when experiencing new things and meeting new [read more]

Solange Sex: F Age: 3 years old
She is a playful lab/pyr mix in need of a new home. [read more]

Carabiner Sex: M Age: 3 years old
He is a young lab/pyr mix looking for his forever home that will continue teaching him all the rules of being a great dog. [read more]

Mesquite Sex: M Age: 2 yrs
He is a happy and energetic boy who is looking for his forever home. He must have a tall fence but the rescue will [read more]

Midi – Sex:F Age:4-5 years old
She is 4-5 yrs old and a lab/pyr mix. She is housebroken and loves to play ball. She does take a little time to [read more]

Wedgwood Sex: M Age: 6 mos
My foster mom says I am near perfect as a lab/pyr pup. I am great with other dogs and am currently hanging out with [read more]

Legend – Sex: M Age: 1 year old
He is a 1 yr old lab/pyr mix and loves to patrol the yard. He is good with other dogs and cats and is [read more]